Why it’s time to invest your sleep
The more I learn about sleep deprivation and its potential connection to cancer growth, the faster I jump into my jammies and run to my bed on time every night.
Fitness has a huge impact on your health and well being; it promotes heart health, reduces the risk of diabetes and high cholesterol, reduces depression and anxiety, and yes, even keeps cancer at bay.
Monitor your activity and looks for ways to add more steps and increase your movement during the day.
Move your body and elevate your heart rate for at least 22 minutes a day to promote physical and mental health.
Place equal importance on on rest and recovery. Your body needs at least seven hours a night to restore itself.
Until quite recently many people believed that it wasn’t safe for most cancer patients to exercise. With few exceptions, that couldn’t be further from the truth.
We now know that one day in bed can set you back a week, and one week can set you back one month.
Today’s best practice is to keep moving, even when it seems impossible.
What’s more, studies have shown that exercise can counteract the accelerated aging caused by chemotherapy and works better than medications to reduce cancer-related fatigue.
Sounds like a no brainer to me.
Everything you need to keep moving during sickness and health.
The more I learn about sleep deprivation and its potential connection to cancer growth, the faster I jump into my jammies and run to my bed on time every night.
Being fit is about more than looking and feeling good; it’s about preventing and preparing the body for illness.
Our bodies were made to move, and doctors are quickly discovering the harmful effects that bed rest can have on our recovery and resilience.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain! Grab your phone and download some fitness apps right now.
Mobility matters, especially when you’re sick. Here’s a list of the best gifts to give to someone who is in the hospital fighting cancer.
If the benefits of exercise were a pill it would be demanded by patients, prescribed by every doctor and subsidized by the government.
One thing I’ve learned from fighting cancer is just because you eat well and workout doesn’t mean you “live healthy”.
Finding ways to ease the financial (and accompanying emotional) burdens on cancer patients and their families benefit cancer care for patients at every stage. Imagine if patients could worry less about affording their medications, and more about remembering to take them.
When it comes to undergoing radiation for breast cancer the trick is to minimizing skin irritation to the areas of the chest that receive radiation. Too much skin desquamation (peeling) can interrupt or shorten treatment, so it’s important to stay ahead of the game to preserve and protect the skin.
You know your child better than anyone, and it’s up to you to decide when, how, and what to tell your child based on their developmental level. Just keep lines of communication open and listen to your child’s concerns. Let them know it’s okay to talk and ask questions even if they feel sad or upset.
Cancer’s no joke, but you can’t feel bad about it all the time. Sometimes you just need to laugh in its big dumb face. Laugh till you cry and then laugh again.
I don’t believe in the God presented by organized religions, but I am certain the universe contains divine elements. And that the divine works in mysterious and surprising ways. Sometimes it even uses the telephone.
Podcasts are a great tool for cancer patients; I learned this firsthand. Just hearing how people found ways to cope always made me feel better. Listening to new episodes gave me something to look forward to each week and hearing others share similar experiences reminded me that I was not alone.
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