Laughter as medicine: A look at the lighter side of cancer
Cancer’s no joke, but you can’t feel bad about it all the time. Sometimes you just need to laugh in its big dumb face. Laugh till you cry and then laugh again.
Cancer’s no joke, but you can’t feel bad about it all the time. Sometimes you just need to laugh in its big dumb face. Laugh till you cry and then laugh again.
Podcasts are a great tool for cancer patients; I learned this firsthand. Just hearing how people found ways to cope always made me feel better. Listening to new episodes gave me something to look forward to each week and hearing others share similar experiences reminded me that I was not alone.
Countless studies looking into the connection between stress and cancer will tell you that under chronic stress, your body never gets the clear signal to return to normal, which lets the floodgates open for illness.
Anxiety and cancer are joined at the hip. If you’re not worried about treatment, you’re worried about life. Here’s how to cope.
Stress can weaken your immune system and invite illness, whether it’s a simple cold, shingles or something far worse like cancer.
Happiness is found by living in the moment — not dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. In a world where we are constantly doing something (and often doing three things at once), it is easy to allow the present to blow past, overlooked and unseized. There is
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