The angel on the telephone
I don’t believe in the God presented by organized religions, but I am certain the universe contains divine elements. And that the divine works in mysterious and surprising ways. Sometimes it even uses the telephone.
I don’t believe in the God presented by organized religions, but I am certain the universe contains divine elements. And that the divine works in mysterious and surprising ways. Sometimes it even uses the telephone.
Yeah, yeah, life is suffering. You don’t need to remind a cancer patient; they’re pretty clear on that. Nobody wants any more of it. But what happens when we embrace and befriend our suffering? When we get curious about it, and accept that, as the Buddhists say, “life is suffering.”
Does prayer actually work? And if so, can we measure its success?
Often, when confronted with illness, people begin to question their faith; but that’s the precise moment you need to keep the faith.
Trying to stay positive during a difficult part of your life is much easier said than done, but it makes a difference in a variety of ways.
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